Westfield HS PTSA
Home of the Bulldogs
"Parents are KEY to Bulldog Success"
President Achive Messages
President's Message
May 2016
Hello Families,
We have 7 weeks left in the school year and those 7 weeks are the busiest 7 weeks of the whole year. So many concerts, plays, art shows and playoff games and then the most important- EXAMS! I know how hectic this time of year can be especially if you have more than one student. Please try to be in the moment of each event you attend and enjoy the creativity of our students. Sometimes that means planning your day hour by hour but so worth it to be able to appreciate the joy the students put into their work for all of us to admire.
We have many activities so please check the calendar I will not list all of them here.
I do want to mention our PTSA meeting on May 19; we will be hosting a program through the county on Dating violence. This is a very important program and a follow-up to our Saturday Night in the Suburbs program from March. We will meet in the library at 7pm.
We will be having a business meeting for the PTSA at 6pm March 19th and I encourage all of you to come early to hear about the wonderful things the PTSA is doing for our school. Please consider joining us on the board, we will be nominating our future PTSA board that night and we are in need of several members; please consider taking a position on the PTSA:
- 1st Vice President: This person assists the President as needed and “shadows” the President, learning the role, seeing how things work, and providing input and insight for the future of the PTSA. The 1st VP usually becomes the next President.
- Treasurer:This person oversees the financial aspects of the PTSA. This includes budgets, reimbursements, maintaining tax exempt status (form to complete), and bank accounts. While financial experience is a plus, it is not required. The PTA organization offers fantastic training and the current Treasurer will provide training and assistance as needed. The “books” are audited annually and the WHS PTSA’s books pass with flying colors, so they’re set and ready for you to pick up.
- Membership:The Membership Chair processes membership forms and payments, keeps a record of membership numbers and members, and completes a quarterly report (one page, fill in the numbers). Currently, staff members who join receive a ribbon for their class door, showing their membership. There is also a membership raffle at the beginning of the year. The current Membership Chair will be the 2nd VP next year and will be available for training and assistance. This is a great way to get involved!---POSITION FILLED (Thank you Becky Anderson!)
- Bulldog BBQ Representative: The Bulldog BBQ is the opening event for the new school year, when students and families go to Westfield to pick up schedules, sign up for clubs and groups, buy spirit wear and PE uniforms, eat dinner, bid on silent auction items and more! We seek a person to work with the WHS staff member who runs the event. The BBQ rep will help plan the event (starts in May) and be available at the BBQ as needed. This year’s BBQ is on August 30th from 5-7:30 pm.
- Bulldog BBQ Silent Auction Co-Chair:Our current co-chair seeks someone or a couple of people to join the Silent Auction group. The Silent Auction is held during the Bulldog BBQ and online prior to the BBQ. The committee - asks for donations from various businesses, teams, and individuals, organizes the donated items for the auction, and coordinates the auction at the BBQ on August 30th.
- Academic Celebration of Excellence Chair: This person oversees the Honor Roll program (first three quarters) and other academic recognition programs such as the PTSA scholarship program. The ACE committee helps at the Academic Letter Ceremony in November.
- Hospitality: This main role of this committee is to coordinate the 2 staff luncheons (early and late in the school year). There are other smaller tasks during the year, which vary each year.--POSITION FILLED (Thank you Jennie Joiner!)
We are still in need of All Night Graduation Party volunteers. Please consider helping with decorating, volunteering at the party or coming in the wee hours of the morning to cleanup. Contact Sarah Birmingham/Anne Hanover, Our amazing ANGP Chairs!
Several information links below:
- This is from the presentation in April, Westfield Alumni speaking to parents https://youtu.be/jR7_kq28K7s
- Science Fair winners- 2 students from Westfield on Air Quality- Check it out….https://www.facebook.com/EPA/photos/a.10150164100237229.304762.39637302228/10154202093987229/?type=3&theater
- Robotics club is featuring a Yard sale on 5/21- to rent a table contact: CommunityYardSale@outlook.com ---- POSTPONED due to weather forecast
Happy Spring and Enjoy your Children,
Meg Crossett
HS PTSA President